SYW: Week 20: Computers, Connections, and Stepping Back in Time

It’s raining here again. It was raining last week when I sat down to “share my world”. So far no severe storms, but the rain is most likely going to continue throughout the day. That’s all right with me. I have plenty of things to enjoy right here at home.

Now, on to this week’s questions!

Question 1: When do I feel most connected with others?

linkedin_mapIn real life, I’m not a very “connected” sort of person. I’m quite the introvert, and quite content that way. The connections I make are through blogging.

I’m fascinated by “meeting” people from half the world away, learning all they can teach me about their way of life, and discovering many new things.

Through my “art blog” — Artistcoveries — I’ve also been able to “connect” with artists from all over the world. Despite the distance between us, we share many common thoughts and feelings. The encouragement we receive from one another is priceless.

Question 2: What daily habit would I like to introduce to my life?

ReadingI used to spend the last hour or so before bedtime reading. Over the years I’ve gotten away from the habit. It was always a quiet, relaxing time. I’d like to begin reading in the evenings again.

Question 3: What one mini-little adventure would I like to have in the coming week?

Oh, this is an easy one because I am going to have a little adventure this week. Along with my husband, a grandson, and one of his friends, we’re going to journey back in time to the days when dinosaurs roamed the land.

It’s going to be quite a day! Here’s more information: Jurassic Garden


Question 4: List things or events that changed my life.

  1. Alfie-michael-caine-5142843-550-310Meeting the love of my life.
  2. Alfie, by Bill Naughton.
  3. Learning to draw.
  4. Understanding that I like being who I am.
  5. Computers

From last week, I’m grateful for the new art supplies I received as gifts.


This week I’m looking forward to putting these to good use! I have new watercolors and new pastels, so I’ll be doing a lot of drawing and painting.

I’m also looking forward to fixing salmon salad sandwiches for our dinner today.

May your life be filled with many bright and beautiful blessings this week.
Share Your World
Share Your World




Author: Judith

I've been teaching Tarot for more than 30 years, and I'm excited to reach out online to connect with more Tarot enthusiasts. Whether you're a new reader or have decades of experience, I invite you to follow Spirit of Tarot and become part of our community.

8 thoughts on “SYW: Week 20: Computers, Connections, and Stepping Back in Time”

    1. Yes, I love Amazon Prime. We live in a small town so it’s much easier for me to order things I need online than drive an hour into Kansas City, plus Amazon has good prices on art supplies 🙂


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